Save the Peacocks of Clovelly
For attention of the residents of Clovelly, Fish Hoek, Noordhoek and surrounds;
It has been brought to our attention that there is intention to have the resident peacocks ‘culled’ ie, senselessly killed, because a few households don’t like the fact that the birds, like every other species, call at night or in the mornings.
From a description found on line “Famous for its rolling, computer-irrigated fairways and undulating holes, Clovelly (Country Club) complements its rich coastal environment. Natural sand dunes abut the course, which is blessed with water features and a wide variety of indigenous fauna - especially birdlife such as guinea fowl, pheasant, peacock and steppe buzzard”
The African peacock is listed as vulnerable. Regardless of which species these are, Peafowl are highly social birds whose diet is insects, small amphibians and certain reptiles, and are therefore a vital part of the ecosystem. We have all seen the devastation caused when humans interfere. As it is, so many species suffer and are driven to near or actual extinction as we have destroyed their habitat.
The birds have a RIGHT to be there. One cannot move into an environment surrounded by protected or wild areas and expect the resident wildlife of any description to keep office hours to suit a few people.
Those who would have the birds 'managed' have a petition. We simply must get numbers before the 24th of November, as there is a meeting on the 25th.
firma la peticiónfirma la petición