Crack down on puppy farming!

Puppy farming in inhumane, puppies that are sold as 'cared for' and 'happy' by 'loving owners' are really sick, caged and terrified creatures. Most of whom die in agony there or break the hearts of the new owners after only a few days.
In some cases the infections not only kill them but can also be spread to other pets and even humans
These people are not interested in the wellbeing of the puppy or the suitability of the owners, they are only interested in the money in your pocket.

Like most cases of animal abuse I, and many others I have spoken to, feel it is not taken seriously enough, the sentences are too lenient.
Strange when baby farmers used to be hung or sentenced to life, a very similar trade seeing as nether creature can talk or defend itself.

These types of 'people' and their 'business' need to be taken down. They are illegal and immoral.
Look up Watchdog for undercover footage.

Puppy farming in inhumane, puppies that are sold as 'cared for' and 'happy' by 'loving owners' are really sick, caged and terrified creatures. Most of whom die in agony there or break the hearts of the new owners after only a few days.
In some cases the infections not only kill them but can also be spread to other pets and even humans

They are taken from their mother far too soon and have no knowledge of how to behave around people, all they know is fear and abuse which can lead to aggression if they are 'lucky' enough to grow and another tragic end.
Yet they will be sold as friendly and perfect for any family.

These people are not interested in the wellbeing of the puppy and its mother or the suitability of the owners, they are only interested in the money in your pocket and where their next batch is coming from.

Like most cases of animal abuse I, and many others I have spoken to, feel it is not taken seriously enough, the sentences are too lenient.
Strange when baby farmers used to be hung or sentenced to life, a very similar trade seeing as nether creature can talk or defend itself.

These types of 'people' and their 'business' need to be taken down. They are illegal and immoral.

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