Ban the trade of foie gras in the UK

 This petition will show the government,retailers such as Fortnum and Mason,restaurants and producers of foie gras that the majority of British citizens DO NOT want foie gras sold into this country.If the petition does well it could be a useful tool for bigger organisations such as PETA and Compassion in World Farming to complete their objectives of getting foie gras banned across Europe.if not British please sign Care2 petition thanks
Please share with as many people as possible.

Actualizar #3hace 7 años
thanks for sharing .We need more signatures.Nobody can say foiegras isn't cruel STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR DECENCY!
Actualizar #2hace 10 años
lets keep going!! Foiegras should be banned everywhere,share the petition link for Uk people.
Actualizar #1hace 11 años
Thank you to all those who have signed.The petition has changed from banning importation(which would be illegal ) to banning the sale/trade of foiegras.LETS KEEP SIGNING AND SHARING
firma la petición
firma la petición
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