Demand that Beneful dog food be discontinued!

Beneful dog food - all varieties - has been causing horrible deaths and illnesses among dogs. Not only is it in the top most UNHEALTHIEST brands of dog food, they continue to advertise the "healthy benefits" of this food, completely ignoring complaints and go so far as to claim they haven't received any. They are purposefully blinding themselves to the facts.

PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS ON FACEBOOK, GOOGLE+ and TWITTER -- we need signatures and you're the ones who can push this forward.  Thank you for your support.  Keep reading...

Beneful brand dog food/treats come in the following varieties:

Playful Life
Healthy Fiesta
Healthy Radiance
Healthy Weight Formula
Healthy Growth for Puppies

Here's a short list of what happens to dogs when they eat the Beneful brand:

Kidney failure
Liver failure
Bloody stool
General vomiting
Vomiting blood
Food poisoning

The first ingredient is corn - a grain that is difficult for animals to digest and causes GI stress.  The second ingredient is "chicken by-product meal - a dry rendered product of slaughterhouse waste. It’s made from what’s left of a slaughtered chicken after all the prime cuts have been removed. In a nutshell, chicken by-products are those unsavory leftovers usually considered 'unfit for human consumption' ". (quote from Dog Food Advisor - linked below)  Ingredients are listed in the order of highest quantity to lowest quantity. (Read more about by-products at Dog Food Advisor) 

Another ingredient in this food is propylene glycol - an ingredient that is now being used in anti-freeze.

Read more about the facts listed above on the following sites:

If you are uncomfortable clicking a link posted here (understandable with all the bad sites out there) you can use your preferred search engine, such as Google, to find the information provided here.


Dear Supporter,

THANK YOU for signing this petition. Your voice will be heard. Please be sure to pass this on to your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. Purina will not be able to ignore the voices of 10,000+ people. We will be heard and we will not give up. Our animal friends are helpless to speak for themselves - we must speak for them. 

You are GREATLY appreciated.


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