Eliminate biofuel production subsidies and promote sustainable agriculture

Conservation best practices will be far more cost-effective than doling out $11.6 billion in crop insurance payments, as the government did last year, for farmers hit with diminished yields or all-out crop failures.

Congress must take the lead in promoting conservation best practices, such as perennial crops, seed collection and distribution (to speed recovery from heat, drought, and wildfires), use of locally produced compost, and rainwater harvesting and filtering grey water for irrigation.

Credit to Gary Paul Nabhan of the University of Arizona for his excellent Op-Ed, Our Coming Food Crisis. http://nyti.ms/1bO72zo

Dear Congress,

Conservation best practices will be far more cost-effective than doling out $11.6 billion in crop insurance payments, as the government did last year, for farmers hit with diminished yields or all-out crop failures.

Congress must take the lead in promoting conservation best practices, such as perennial crops, seed collection and distribution (to speed recovery from heat, drought, and wildfires), use of locally produced compost, and rainwater harvesting and filtering grey water for irrigation.

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