This year's seal hunt will soon be starting, with baby seals being the primary targets.
The baby seals are killed for their fur and their carcasses are usually left to rot on the ice. The baby seals are left to suffer in agony and conscious seal pups are sliced open or impaled on metal hooks.
This is horrible and barbaric, and being a Canadian, I am ashamed of this being allowed by our leaders. I would like my country to show compassion and protect wildlife. I would like my country to be a leader in standing up for and saving all living entities. It is urgent and imperative that this begin NOW for the seals.
A plan has been introduced where the Canadian government to end the slaughter with a sealing industry buyout. With this plan. the hunt would be ended, sealers compensated, and economic alternatives developed.
Prime Minister Trudeau - please, go for it. Let's show the world we are truly compassionate. Stop the seal killing. Let us continue to be leaders.