Urge Petzone headquarters to halt plans to sell animals in their stores!

It is always worrying when you see animals being sold in pet stores. You don't know where they came from, they can be bought by anyone (no home checks needed) and the staff rarely know what information to give regarding the care of these animals.  They are kept in small confined spaces in the stores and are sold as products.

Petzone by Westpack Lifestyle is a chain of pet supply stores in South Africa with great products and friendly helpful staff, but recently when I visited the one nearest to me I saw rabbits on display.  Two in a medium hutch (one pregnant) and one in a way too small cage.  They had too little water, one only in a water feeder, that could lead to dehydration in rabbits.

This was VERY worrying. I asked the teller if they are for sale or just for display and she answered for display, but Petzone is going to start selling animals in their stores soon. This was confirmed by the store manager.

I am starting this petition to urge the Petzone headquarters to reconsider selling animals. There is quite a few reasons for this including: animals are not products to be sold, the staff are not qualified to give prospective owners proper information regarding the care of the animal and you don't know where they will end up. Animals being sold at pet shops are usually supplied by breeders that only care about profit. The fact is that there are multiple rescues in South Africa that are OVERFLOWING with animals in need of homes and having this massive chain of stores in the country selling animals takes away the chance for rescue animals to find homes.

I am urging every person that signs my petition to add a comment regarding why this is upsetting news. Please Petzone headquarters reconsider your choice and help be a prime example to rather support rescues when a customer is looking for a pet.

Actualizar #1hace 4 años
Petzone has replied to our concerns and it is not looking good.
See their reply here: https://www.facebook.com/182900275836849/posts/860813071378896/?d=n
Let’s put pressure on them and send an email voicing your concerns to Client and Projects Manager :rozelle@westpacklifestyle.co.za or if you live on SA give them a call at -
Head Office: +27 11 791 1776.
Try to be firm, yet respectful that they should reconsider and that the breeding and trade of animals is unethical, exploitative and cruel.
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