Please Australian Sailing! Send a team to the Youth World Championships 2025 and beyond

The Youth Worlds is a marquee event in sailing, arguably third only to the Olympics and the America's Cup. Breakthrough moments happen at the Youth Worlds, where coaches see a major new talent and sponsors get in early to support a sailor in their burgeoning career in the sport.
For one of the great sailing nations, there won't even be a team.

Australia did not attend Lake Garda, and didn't field a team for the 2023 event in Búzios, Brazil. That can't be right. We are asking Australian Sailing to help us help them.
We understand budgets are tight and the sailing community can partner with Australian Sailing to find solutions. All we need is a ticket to go to the Youth Worlds again.
Youth Sailing World Championships the Olympics and the America's Cup are aspirational. The Youth Worlds needs Australia, and we argue that Australia needs to be at the Youth Worlds.

Check out a recent interview with Alistair Murray, President of Australia Sailing. Thanks for sharing your strategy Alistair please help our aspirering youth sailors. We need more opportunity to participate with New Zealand, Spain and Great Britain.

Thank you to Mark Jardine for your amazing artical

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