Romanian dog catchers beat street dogs to death, slice them open-all because shameful massive euthanization law lets them do it!

  • al: Diana I
  • destinatario: Modify barbaric dog euthanization law 258/2013 in Romania
It is shameful that in 2019 a European country, member of EU, is applying massive dog euthanization to get rid of street dogs!
Law 258/2013 resulted in the brutal killing of hundreds of thousands of street dogs in Romania!
Several exposés have shown how dog pounds employees use brute force to slice dogs alive, strike them in the head with shovels, throw water on the floor and then electrocute dogs- all these barbaric methods used instead of the legally approved, but seldom enforced lethal injection.
Dog catchers collect the money they should spend on lethal injections and use these for personal profit, and instead brutally kill dogs as described above.
It's time to show that Romania is a civilised, European country!
It's time to revise a law that encourages: animal cruelty, abuse, and embezzlement of public money!
It's time to modify Law 258/2013 to replace euthanization with a "register, educate, neuter and release" policy.
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