• al: natali w
  • destinatario: Take this to school board and county

In my state of Florida there is a recent case that is going viral and needs your attention... The teacher of agriculture at Forest high school has been videoed trapping a racoon in front of his students ,drowning the racoon but not before making the helpless and defenseless animal scared to death anf tortured before brutally killing the animal
.. He thought is was okay to trap the animal get a hose and make sure he cant breathe .. Torture him for minutes and minutes going in and out of a trash can filled with water at the schoool .. Kids are scared to speak out and parents are horrified that not more is being done about this so i am making this petition for them and for me to try and get justice for this aninal and make sure people know this kind of stuff is not ACCEPTABLE and it is wrong... Just because some things lay on the legal line does not mean it is okay or right !! The principal Brent Carson has done nothing in the right direction of making people of his school and our community that the teacher needs fired and needs a therapist ... Please sign and share your voice your signature counts help me help the world !

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