Make Cancer Immunotherapy Available for All Pets and Animals

  • al: Paul Sanderson
  • destinatario: The Cancer Industry, Cancer Organizations, and Governments

There are an estimated 6 million new diagnoses of cancer in dogs each year in the U.S. alone. It's approximately half as common in the varying population of cats worldwide, altogether causing half of disease-related pet deaths. Wild animals die of cancer at the same rate as humans and it threatens some species with extinction.

Immunotherapy, using the immune system, is now being used at major institutions such as the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Memorial Sloan-Kettering, MD Anderson, and UCLA. With recent successes in otherwise-terminal childhood and adult cancers, progress is now also being made with immunotherapy for animals.

We need to bring immunotherapy to the forefront of cancer for all of us and for all animals. Globally over 10 million women, children, and men a year are now dying of cancer. A petition related to that, in my wife Briggs's memory, has been signed by 35 stars, legends, and professors:

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