Fast-Track Funding and Approval for Lab-Grown Meat in the UK

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: UK Government and the Food Standards Agency

The UK is finally catching up to the food revolution with cell-cultivated meat poised to hit the market within the next few years. This includes lab-grown steak, chicken, and even foie gras, offering a compassionate and sustainable alternative to traditional meat. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has already received government funding to streamline safety assessments for these novel foods, but the current plan will take years.

Sign the petition to urge the UK government to increase funding to the FSA to make safe lab-grown meat available sooner!

The benefits are vast: lab-grown meat eliminates the need for animal slaughter, drastically reduces environmental impact, and addresses major animal welfare concerns. 

However, to bring these products to our tables sooner and ensure they meet the highest safety standards, we must call on the government to further invest in the FSA's capabilities. By enhancing the assessment process and reducing approval times, we can safely accelerate the availability of lab-grown meats while maintaining the UK's stringent food safety reputation.

Cultivated meats are not just about consumer choice — they represent a critical step towards a more ethical and sustainable food system. They offer a safer alternative, free from common contaminants like E. coli and salmonella, found in traditional meat due to farm bacteria and the use of antibiotics in livestock.

Sign this petition to urge the UK government to increase funding and support for the FSA, ensuring that cell-cultivated meats can reach consumers quickly, safely, and sustainably.

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