Enforce Animal Cruelty Laws

  • al: Cynthia H
  • destinatario: Thurston county prosecuting attorney Jon Tunheim

I am so frustrated... I went to Perrault's hearing 9-28-2017 and after almost 2 years of court proceedings, a hearing in which numerous witnesses called out from work, to give testimony to the horrid conditions that Perrault kept the dogs in, and described the "screams" that came from the dogs, it all came to a close with Perrault getting his dogs back.

I don't understand why? None of the conditions were met.  He was late with bond money, the dogs were suppose to be kept at a place he did not reside, and it was suppose to have the Taj Mahal of kennels, none of this 

Actualizar #3hace 7 años
NO PLEA DEAL!!! SIGNITURES NEEDED Abby a small duchaund was euthanized on October 24, 2015 after violently attacked by Rick Baker of Lacey, WA. Melissa opened her door to see Abby lying flat on the ground with Rick Baker standing over her (on Melissa's) property. Abby was bleeding and her head had been crushed. She was fighting to breathe. Melissa rushed Abby to Animal Emergency and told "Abby's injuries were consistent with blunt force trauma consistent with someone stomping on her head .
Actualizar #2hace 7 años
This is the site of some of animal abure's that their cases were aplealed.
Actualizar #1hace 7 años
Perrault case
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