Petition the zoning reclassification for a Sherwin Williams near Sherwood Forest in Chesapeake

  • al: Alexis
  • destinatario: Chesapeake City Council, Page Webb, LLC and Williams Mullen

For those who moved to the Sherwood Forest and the surrounding neighborhods to have a family oriented, safe and secure neighborhood and to protect what trees and wildlife are around us, we ask that you sign the petition against the Chesapeake Planning Commission and the Chesapeake City Council from allowing a Sherwin Williams to be built on the Northwest corner of Cedar Road and Sherwood Forest.

Dear Sherwood Forest, Las Gaviotas and surrounding neighbors,

We ask that you sign the petition to block the zoning reclassification of .959+/- acres from O&I Office and Institutional District and R-10s, Residential District, to B-2, General Business District to construct a Sherwin Williams paint retail store.

I have seen several Facebook postings from neighbors that are concerned about the impact of the new store.  They ask why Sherwin Williams isn't using one of the spaces around Cahoon Commons or even the new Promenade at Cedar shopping centers to put their store.  Those areas have already torn down precious woods and affected the wildlife.  Why tear down more trees, impact the safety of those in the neighborhood and create more traffic?  Business is part of life but when the businesses seem more concerned about their profits than those of the citizens around the stores, who are they really thinking about?  We are all supposed to be here to serve others and not ourselves.  If we allow the City Council to rezone the area and for Sherwin Williams to build a store, who did we serve??  Who did we take care of?  Did we think of the children affected and the message we send them by tearing down everything to make money?  Did we show anyone we cared about the ability to have clean air when we allow the trees to be torn down?  At the end of the day we all have to live with our choices whether we stand up for what is right, sit back and condemn those who stood up or silently wish we had done something.  Think about the future of this neighborhood and the kids.

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