Demand an End to Wolf Hunting Now!!!
I believe that the Wolves are some of America's most iconic creature's we have in the USA. As someone with Native American blood inside my veins I like all Native American's hold the Wolf very close to our hearts. It seem that in today's world that Wolf hunting is okay. Well I along with many believe that these hunts are not okay. IT'S TIME WE STAND TOGETHER AND END THE WOLF HUNTING IN THE USA NOW!!!!
Dear President Trump,
I along with many other's feel the Wolves of this great nation should be able to live free just like you and me. But other's feel the Wolves are evil and they are hunting these iconic names. Mr. Trump Wolves were here long before man was this is their home just as much as it is our's. So I'm asking you now please BAN WOLF HUNTING IN THE USA NOW!!!!!
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