Justice for Omar

On July 2nd 2008, in Southwest Virginia, animal control officers responded to a complaint of a foul odor coming from Mr Tyrell Suggs apartment. Upon investigation of Mr Suggs apartment his 3 year old male doberman pincher, named Omar was found dead inside of a closet, left with out food and water for weeks. Ironically enough, Omar was left in the apartment alone because Mr Suggs had been arrested and taken to jail. However, Mr Suggs had numberous opportunities  to make other arrangements for Omar. He could had informed the arresting officer that his dog was in the closet,  he could have told a neighbor in his apartment complex and asked them to care for Omar,he could have notified a family member  that Omar was there and asked them to care for him. He could have even  informed correctional officers about Omar. He could have even contacted us as our rescue is less than 5 miles from Mr Suggs home, we would have gladly taken him in.  Instead he chose to leave him there in a dark closet with no food, no water,forced to lay in his own waste with no way to escape. Death for this poor soul must have been a relief. I received the photo of Omar from his original owner who could not keep him and wanted to do right by him and rehomed him. Sadly, that gentleman rehomed him, ultimately he ended up in the hands of Tyrell Suggs. Omar's original owner was notified of what happened to Omar because she had him mirco chipped. She is heartbroken over what has happened to Omar. Omar is the black doberman in the picture  watching the other one play.

We, the undersigned, respectfully ask that the court punish Mr Suggs to the full extent that the law will allow. We also ask that the court take into consideration the suffering that Omar endured in the days and weeks that led up to his death and order that Mr. Suggs be banned from owning  animals in the future. Lastly, we ask that the court punish Mr Suggs to the full extent that the law will allow because there is a direct correlation between animal abuse and other crimes. People that abuse animals very seldom stop there.

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