Tell Kristján Loftsson to stop hunting whales and just retire already!

  • al: Dr. Leslie Dean Brown
  • destinatario: Kristján Loftsson, owner/operator of Hvalur hf. Guðmundur Steinbach, Chief Financial Officer Hvalur hf. Captain Olafur Olafsson, Hvalur hf. Vice captain Hafstian Omar thorstainsson, Hvalur hf.

He's the owner/operator of Icelands biggest commercial whaling operation at the Hvalfjordur whaling station. He's the one man that exports fin whale meat to Japan. He doesn't even claim that he is hunting whales for 'research' purposes (not that I agree with that either).

This escalation of the hunts is matched only by an escalation in trade.  In May 2014, Loftsson exported 2,000 tonnes of fin whale meat to Japan aboard the Alma, taking a circuitous route via the tip of Africa. In August this year, another vessel chartered by Loftsson, the Winter Bay, travelled via the North East Passage to Japan with her cargo of 1800 tonnes of whale meat.

FP reports that Kristjan Loftsson, Iceland's millionaire whaler, doesn't really see the difference between whales and fish, "whales are just another fish". He went onto say,

"If they are so intelligent, why don't they stay outside of Iceland's territorial waters?"

"Whales are just another fish for me, an abundant marine resource, nothing else." he said.

Kristjan Loftsson, Icelandic fishing magnate, left, speaks to an employee during the processing of a whale at the Hvalfjordur whaling station, operated by Hvalur HF, in Hvalfjordur, Iceland, on Monday, Aug. 10, 2015. Iceland, along with Norway, has chosen to opt out of the International Whaling Commissions moratorium on whale hunting. Photographer: Arnaldur Halldorsson/Bloomberg via Getty Images. August 10, 2015| Credit: Bloomberg


"The debate here is all about creating unemployment," he said in an interview.

If the fin whales in the waters around Iceland were allowed to proliferate unmolested "they would become a pest" that would compete with other fish for food, he said.

Now apparantly he thinks the one million petitions on this anti-whaling petition are fake. So he really seems to be a bit of a dinosaur. Maybe it's better if people contacted him the old fashioned way:

Hvalur hf. Hvalfjordur whaling station
P.O.  Box 233
City:  Hafnarfjordur
State:  (222)
Telephone:  +354 555 0565
Fax:  +354 555 1741

Keep in mind that these people are so hated by the international whaling community, that their website is currently non-functional. No doubt because Anonymous hacked into it. That might mean that their email isn't working either.

His Chief Financial Officer has a LinkedIn page here. His email? Glad you asked. Other Employees? Jóhann Björn Jóhannsson on linkedIn (he really looks to smart to be involved in this).

His son's name is Mr Gudmundur Loftssen. Let's certainly hope there aren't any plans on taking over this whole sordid operation.

I've done some further digging, and found this Icelandic document which outlines Mr Kristján Loftsson's plans to sell whale meat as dog food. And here's another. How lovely!

Kristjan Loftsson, Icelandic fishing magnate, holds a box of frozen whale meat destined for the Japan market during a Bloomberg Television interview at the Hvalfjordur whaling station, operated by Hvalur HF, in Hvalfjordur, Iceland, on Monday, Aug. 10, 2015. Iceland, along with Norway, has chosen to opt out of the International Whaling Commissions moratorium on whale hunting. Photographer: Arnaldur Halldorsson/Bloomberg via Getty Images. August 10, 2015| Credit: Bloomberg

Here's an interview, where he makes many other very odd remarks:

  • "You have about 30,000 humpbacks in Australia going up the east coast. Thirty thousand animals travelling back and forth and they increase maybe 10 per cent a year."
  • "They are talking about it: 'Oh, we have to stop the ship traffic'. In 10 years' time it will be 60,000. You will have to close the port of Brisbane and make everybody bankrupt."
  • "We shoot them with the explosive grenade on the front of the harpoon."
  • "Where is this fucking world opinion [against whaling]? Have you ever seen an opinion poll taken around the world?

Workers move trays of fresh whale meat from a recently caught fin whale into storage at the whaling station, operated by Hvalur HF, in Hvalfjordur fjord, Iceland, on Monday, Aug. 10, 2015. Iceland, along with Norway, has chosen to opt out of the International Whaling Commissions moratorium on whale hunting. Photographer: Arnaldur Halldorsson/Bloomberg via Getty Images. August 10, 2015| Credit: Bloomberg

Workers use hoses to wash down a fin whale carcass as it is winched ashore for processing at the Hvalfjordur whaling station, operated by Hvalur HF, in Hvalfjordur, Iceland, on Monday, Aug. 10, 2015. Iceland, along with Norway, has chosen to opt out of the International Whaling Commissions moratorium on whale hunting. Photographer: Arnaldur Halldorsson/Bloomberg via Getty Images. August 10, 2015| Credit: Bloomberg

Workers cut up a fin whale at the Hvalfjordur whaling station, operated by Hvalur HF, in Hvalfjordur, Iceland, on Monday, Aug. 10, 2015. Iceland, along with Norway, has chosen to opt out of the International Whaling Commissions moratorium on whale hunting. Photographer: Arnaldur Halldorsson/Bloomberg via Getty Images. August 10, 2015| Credit: Bloomberg

A grenade-tipped whaling harpoon sits on the ground after being removed from a fin whale carcass at the Hvalfjordur whaling station, operated by Hvalur HF, in Hvalfjordur, Iceland, on Monday, Aug. 10, 2015. Iceland, along with Norway, has chosen to opt out of the International Whaling Commissions moratorium on whale hunting. Photographer: Arnaldur Halldorsson/Bloomberg via Getty Images. August 10, 2015| Credit: Bloomberg

Workers begin the process of cutting up a fin whale at the Hvalfjordur whaling station, operated by Hvalur HF, in Hvalfjordur, Iceland, on Monday, Aug. 10, 2015. Iceland, along with Norway, has chosen to opt out of the International Whaling Commissions moratorium on whale hunting. Photographer: Arnaldur Halldorsson/Bloomberg via Getty Images. August 10, 2015| Credit: Bloomberg

Workers cut up fin whale meat at the Hvalfjordur whaling station, operated by Hvalur HF, in Hvalfjordur, Iceland, on Monday, Aug. 10, 2015. Iceland, along with Norway, has chosen to opt out of the International Whaling Commissions moratorium on whale hunting. Photographer: Arnaldur Halldorsson/Bloomberg via Getty Images. August 10, 2015| Credit: Bloomberg

Workers cut up fresh fin whale meat in the processing plant at the Hvalfjordur whaling station, operated by Hvalur HF, in Hvalfjordur, Iceland, on Monday, Aug. 10, 2015. Iceland, along with Norway, has chosen to opt out of the International Whaling Commissions moratorium on whale hunting. Photographer: Arnaldur Halldorsson/Bloomberg via Getty Images. August 10, 2015| Credit: Bloomberg

A worker cuts up the tail fin of a recently caught fin whale at the Hvalfjordur whaling station, operated by Hvalur HF, in Hvalfjordur, Iceland, on Monday, Aug. 10, 2015. Iceland, along with Norway, has chosen to opt out of the International Whaling Commissions moratorium on whale hunting. Photographer: Arnaldur Halldorsson/Bloomberg via Getty Images. August 10, 2015| Credit: Bloomberg

Workers cut up a section of fin whale at the Hvalfjordur whaling station, operated by Hvalur HF, in Hvalfjordur, Iceland, on Monday, Aug. 10, 2015. Iceland, along with Norway, has chosen to opt out of the International Whaling Commissions moratorium on whale hunting. Photographer: Arnaldur Halldorsson/Bloomberg via Getty Images. August 10, 2015| Credit: Bloomberg

Fresh fin whale meat sits in trays during processing at the Hvalfjordur whaling station, operated by Hvalur HF, in Hvalfjordur, Iceland, on Monday, Aug. 10, 2015. Iceland, along with Norway, has chosen to opt out of the International Whaling Commissions moratorium on whale hunting. Photographer: Arnaldur Halldorsson/Bloomberg via Getty Images. August 10, 2015| Credit: Bloomberg

A worker carves a lump of fresh fin whale meat at the Hvalfjordur whaling station, operated by Hvalur HF, in Hvalfjordur, Iceland, on Monday, Aug. 10, 2015. Iceland, along with Norway, has chosen to opt out of the International Whaling Commissions moratorium on whale hunting. Photographer: Arnaldur Halldorsson/Bloomberg via Getty Images. August 10, 2015| Credit: Bloomberg

A recently killed fin whale sits at the Hvalfjordur whaling station, operated by Hvalur HF, during processing for whale meat in Hvalfjordur, Iceland, on Monday, Aug. 10, 2015. Iceland, along with Norway, has chosen to opt out of the International Whaling Commission's moratorium on whale hunting. Photographer: Arnaldur Halldorsson/Bloomberg via Getty Images. August 10, 2015| Credit: Bloomberg

Kristjan Loftsson, Icelandic fishing magnate, pauses during a Bloomberg Television interview near the whaling ship 'Hvalur 9 in Hvalfjordur, Iceland, on Monday, Aug. 10, 2015. Iceland, along with Norway, has chosen to opt out of the International Whaling Commissions moratorium on whale hunting. Photographer: Arnaldur Halldorsson/Bloomberg via Getty Images. August 10, 2015| Credit: Bloomberg

Here's one of his whaling boats docked in Hvalfjarðarvegur, plainly visible in Google street view. Here's the view from another angle. I am pretty sure that is where all the whales are chopped up into little pieces.

A visitor, left, inspects a box of frozen whale meat ahead of shipping to Japan at the Hvalfjordur whaling station, operated by Hvalur HF, in Hvalfjordur, Iceland, on Monday, Aug. 10, 2015. Iceland, along with Norway, has chosen to opt out of the International Whaling Commission's moratorium on whale hunting. Photographer: Arnaldur Halldorsson/Bloomberg via Getty Images. August 10, 2015| Credit: Bloomberg

So there it is. What is the international community going to do about it?

Update #51 years ago
Every now and then I start a new petition. Here's my latest one: "Sack Jolyon Maugham, a prominent Barrister/QC who murdered a fox with a baseball bat (and bragged about it on twitter)."
Please sign and share it. Thanks,
Update #43 years ago
Hello! Katrín Jakobsdóttir is Iceland's Prime Minister. She is actually opposed to whaling and she alone has the power to put a stop to this barbaric practice. Please send a message to her at +354 5630 500 or — Urge her to ban whale hunting forever! Let her know that if it's banned, you'd be more likely to visit Iceland one day! Also, please let me know any other ways I can make use of this petition... thanks for your support as always! — Leslie
Update #34 years ago
You can write to Mr. Kristján Loftsson at this address: Hvalur hf. P.O. Box 233, Hafnarfjordur. State: 222. Telephone: +354 555 0565. He doesn't seem to believe in the internet. Like for example, the Avaaz petition with over 1 million signatures on it. Here's we here lives: Home telephone number? +354 588 9012. Or else... call his wife Auðbjörg Steinbach on +354 848 5132.

Update #25 years ago
The good news is that Loftsson says no fin whales will be hunted this summer although more likley due to $ not this petition. Bad news is that 100's of minke whales will still be slaughtered. Please go to and leave appropriate comments on every single blog article. It shows Icelanders how much we hate whaling! I keep getting regularly blocked. You can also call up Mr. Loftsson AT HIS HOME: +354 588 9012. Wake him up at 3:00am and tell him not to hunt Minke whales!
Update #15 years ago
I have let the chief financial officer of Hvalur hf, Guðmundur Steinbach, know about this petition. In fact I have let all of the staff on LinkedIn know about this petition. And rather bluntly too. Please sign & share! Thanks and if the old man does decide to retire you'll all be the first to know!

[in progress]

While you continue to hunt whales, I see you as a mere assemblage of carbon atoms, an abundent source of DNA molecules, nothing else.

Actualizar #5hace 3 años
Hello everyone! I have ANOTHER petition I would like you to sign and it's close to me because I live in Moruya and I travel down this road almost every day. "Don't bulldoze 1000 trees for a Moruya highway bypass overdevelopment! Choose the shorter option D/E instead."
I would *really* appreciate it if you could all sign & share this new petition.
Kind regards,
leslie dean brown
Actualizar #4hace 6 años
Hello! Katrín Jakobsdóttir is Iceland's Prime Minister. She is actually opposed to whaling and she alone has the power to put a stop to this barbaric practice. Please send a message to her at +354 5630 500 or — Urge her to ban whale hunting forever! Let her know that if it's banned, you'd be more likely to visit Iceland one day! Also, please let me know any other ways I can make use of this petition... thanks for your support as always! — Leslie
Actualizar #3hace 8 años
You can write to Mr. Kristján Loftsson at this address: Hvalur hf. P.O. Box 233, Hafnarfjordur. State: 222. Telephone: +354 555 0565. He doesn't seem to believe in the internet. Like for example, the Avaaz petition with over 1 million signatures on it. Here's we here lives: Home telephone number? +354 588 9012. Or else... call his wife Auðbjörg Steinbach on +354 848 5132.

Actualizar #2hace 9 años
The good news is that Loftsson says no fin whales will be hunted this summer although more likley due to $ not this petition. Bad news is that 100's of minke whales will still be slaughtered. Please go to and leave appropriate comments on every single blog article. It shows Icelanders how much we hate whaling! I keep getting regularly blocked. You can also call up Mr. Loftsson AT HIS HOME: +354 588 9012. Wake him up at 3:00am and tell him not to hunt Minke whales!
Actualizar #1hace 9 años
I have let the chief financial officer of Hvalur hf, Guðmundur Steinbach, know about this petition. In fact I have let all of the staff on LinkedIn know about this petition. And rather bluntly too. Please sign & share! Thanks and if the old man does decide to retire you'll all be the first to know!
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