Urge The National Institute of Health To End Horrific Cat Experiments

The National Institutes of Health is funding cruel experiments on cats at The University of Wisconsin Madison (UW). Cats are deafened and steel coils are implanted in their eyes, holes drilled into their skulls and electrodes implanted into their brains. Please tell the NIH to redirect their funding towards cruelty-free, modern, non-animal research methods.

Dear Dr. Battey, Jr,

 Dear Dr. Battey Jr.,

After learning of the experiments being conducted at The University of Wisconsin Madison where cats are deafened and steel coils are implanted into their heads, I want to urge you to please redirect funding towards modern, non-animal research methods. 

Actualizar #1hace 11 años
Thank you so much to everyone who has signed my petition to end experiments on cats at the University of Wisconsin-Madison! We still need to reach our goal of 5000 signatures. Please forward to as many contacts as possible so we can reach our goal.

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