Don't Let Florida Legalize Gun Silencers For Hunters!

  • al: Maggie G
  • destinatario: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

On September 10th the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission will review a proposal that could legalize the use of silencers (suppressors) while hunting.

While theoretically a silencer would only benefit hunters (not scaring game, protecting their hearing, etc.) what makes silencers and guns in general unsafe is the unexpected misuse and accidental injuries that result from them. Making silencers more legal just makes it easier for the technology to fall into the wrong hands. Keep Florida safe and urge the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to oppose this proposal!

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission,

Please oppose the September 10th proposal that could legalize the use of silencers (suppressors) while hunting. 

While theoretically a silencer would only benefit hunters (not scaring game, protecting their hearing, etc.) what makes silencers and guns in general unsafe is the unexpected misuse and accidental injuries that result from them. Making silencers more legal just makes it easier for the technology to fall into the wrong hands.

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