Request for exemplary punishments for people who mistreat, torture or kill animals in Italy

After the recent cases occurred in Sardinia and Manfredonia,where dogs were killed with extreme cruelty and barbarism,I ask once and for all the recognition of the rights of every species of animals as living beings and a legislation in Italy that really protects and safeguards them.At the same time I ask that people who are guilty of crimes against animals are punished severely without extenuating circumstances.

Actualizar #2hace 10 años
I have raised the goal from 1000 to 5000 signatures and added a picture to my petition .I hope to increase the number of people (especially from Italy) interested in it!
Actualizar #1hace 10 años
Thanks to all the people who signed this petition.We are half -way to reach our target of 1,000 signatures but I am sure we can even exceed it.So please keep on signing!
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