Demand Bean Seafood Plant Stop Ripping Apart Live Lobsters & Crabs

  • al: Susan Bird / Care2Causes
  • destinatario: Linda Bean, c/o Linda Bean's Maine Lobster, P.O Box 368, Rockland Maine 04841

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) released an undercover video recently which they say proves that Linda Bean's Maine Lobster, a major seafood processor in the state of Maine, is killing lobsters and crabs in a cruelly violent way -- by tearing off their claws, puncturing their shells, ripping their abdomens and tails from their heads, grinding their exposed organs onto spinning bristles, and then, hours later, boiling them alive. That video can be seen by clicking here.

Please sign this petition to ask Linda Bean to stop killing lobsters and crabs in this cruel way and to adopt the more humane kill procedures commonly used in the seafood industry, such as electric stunning.   

Dear Ms Bean:

Those who have signed this petition, like many other members of the public, were distressed and saddened to see the video taken undercover in your seafood processing plant in Rockford, Maine, made public recently by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). We agree with PETA that the killing methods shown in that video are outdated and unnecessarily cruel.

We ask that you upgrade your operation to use modern, more humane techniques such as electric stunning to avoid the prolonged suffering your current processes inflict on these animals. Adoption of more humane techniques will not negatively impact your business or the Maine seafood industry. Indeed, many companies will no longer purchase seafood that is not killed in a humane manner. More to the point, it's the right thing to do.

We thank you for giving this matter the attention it deserves.

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