Wrongful shooting of Boxers

  • destinatario: Kern County Sheriff Donny Youngblood
On Sunday 1-3-16 I was getting ready for church and I got a phone call that my two boxers got out of my yard. The lady said they were at her house. I took off running out the door and told my husband the dogs had gotten out of the yard. So I ran down the street and around the corner.
That's where I seen my male dog Cope dead on the side of the road. I dropped to my knees in the street screaming and crying as a man approached me saying he shot your dogs and a woman came running up to me to hold me as I was crying. My husband was 2 steps behind me where he started to confront the other guy walking up to us to apologizing. Saying "I didn't know they were your dogs" "I thought they were pit bulls." Someone hollered my name saying my female dog Penny is still alive. Sheriff cars came from both directions of the street.
The sheriffs made us take penny to the emergency vet 35 minutes away to have her checked out. They wouldn't let my husband put her out of her misery. She had a hole from a shotgun close range on her hind end. We arrived at the hospital with poor fading and in a lot of pain Penny. They let our family say goodbye. Before they euthanized her. We drove back to the murder scene. Spoke to the sheriffs and they said that they felt that "he" the shooter was not justified in shooting our babies! He could have used a water hose or a stick anything but a 20 gauge shotgun. The story the shooter gave was our dogs were in a dog fight with his yorkie yet no one has seen this other dog.
Honestly if two full grown boxers were in a fight with a yorkie the yorkie would be mangled, broken bones, internal bleeding, etc. they never showed this dog nor took a dog to the vet. The lady across the street and 2 houses over said our dogs were playing with her Pomeranians before heading down the street. She said they were not aggressive towards her dogs.
The shooter shot Cope at a close range with a 20 gauge shotgun. Penny was scare and took off running away. Then he chased penny down and shot her in the hip.

Owner- Michelle Shafer of Valley Acres, CA
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