Restore TPT and Teacher Autonomy

    We, the undersigned educators of the Lancaster County School District, are writing to express our strong concern and frustration regarding the recent decision to block access to the Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT) website. As dedicated professionals who work tirelessly to provide the best possible education for our students, we believe that this action undermines our ability to effectively meet the diverse needs of our classrooms. By restricting access to this platform, the district is not only limiting our access to a wealth of instructional tools but also signaling a lack of trust in our professional judgment and discretion. We, as educators, are often tasked with creating original content to engage and support our students, yet we are expected to do so without the assistance of tools and resources that could help alleviate the time-consuming burden of crafting everything from scratch.This decision makes our jobs harder and detracts from the time and energy we could be dedicating to direct student engagement and instruction. We believe that the use of TPT resources is a practical and effective way to supplement the curriculum and provide differentiated learning experiences that meet the needs of all students.We respectfully urge the district to reconsider this decision and restore access to Teachers Pay Teachers, so that we can continue to make informed, thoughtful choices about the materials we use in our classrooms. Our students deserve the best, and we deserve the autonomy and trust to choose the resources that will help them succeed.
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