Save the UK from GMOs!

  • al: Felix Yates
  • destinatario: George Eustice, British Government

GMOs are a HUGE problem around the world. With most of the world consuming GM crops, we all fail to realise the disadvantages of GMOs. Superweeds are one of the biggest. They cannot be killed with weed killer and widespread super quickly. Most Genetically Modified crops can't reproduce, so that means more and more animal genes will have to be extracted, causing the animal pain.

They aren't even a good idea. What's the point? OK, I know they can stop bugs from eating the crop and all that but... it just keeps spreading. If one field is GM, another field next to it will sooner or later become GM. Like a plague, it just spreads. Any farmer that wants to stay organic, can't because it always seems to find a way through. So please sign this petition to help stop big bad Monsato and other big companies from turning the UK completely GM.

Actualizar #1hace 9 años
Thank You to all my caring signers. I really hope that this petition is a success and you can help me make that happen. Sorry for not replying so soon! I was shocked how quickly everybody signed and the petition currently has 76 signers*. Please help by sharing it with everybody you know and on your social media pages. Together we can fight GM!


*from the time written- 12:46 PM- GMT.
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