Thank James Aspey for 'speaking' out against animal cruelty

In his book, Bleating Hearts:The Hidden World of Animal Suffering, Mark Hawthorne looks at cruelty to animals across the world and discloses some of the forgotten and insidious cruelties like dogs left to starve in a performance art display, donkeys that work in scorching brick kilns, the harsh methods of artificial insemination. It is such cruelties and abuses that James Aspey is highlighting by circumnavigating Australia in silence for 365 days to speak up for the voiceless animals in the face of such behaviour.

This brave and compassionate young man deserves our thanks and support for focusing on one of the "greatest moral issues of this age". (Resurgence Magazine, p 64)

Follow James @ Voiceless365

Actualizar #4hace 10 años
The First words of James Aspey, the 365 Days Voiceless Man
Jan 15, 2015 - Starting January 1st, 2014, James Aspey commenced a journey around Australia whilst engaging in a vow of silence for 365 days, sacrificing ...
Actualizar #3hace 10 años
James Aspey has done it. A year spent in silence to speak up for animals.

On 31 December he wrote: "I don’t expect miracles or have a high expectation for what kind of contribution my efforts make towards the cause. It doesn’t matter because I know I’m doing what I can and can’t ask any more of myself than that."

James will talk about his remarkable journey at Lentil On The Rocks in Sydney on 17 January 2015.

Actualizar #2hace 10 años
James Aspey is nearly home. In Sydney.

"I rode to the Gold Coast, saw the first sign that said ‘Sydney’ which got me stoked, and I stayed with my friend, Ksenia, who I met in Bali. Her roommate asked me, “So, you don’t eat meat?” I said, “I don’t eat any animal products.” She said, “Wow. You’re crazy!” I said, “Nah. What’s crazy is that people say they love animals but then pay people to abuse and slaughter them.” She said, “Oh my God, that’s so me!”

Voiceless365 8.12.2014
Actualizar #1hace 10 años
Thank you all so much for signing this thank you to James. He has 56 days to go on his remarkable journey around Australia, and has maintained his vow of silence in aid of animal liberation for 309 days: "I’d like to break my vow of silence on The Ellen Show. This is a new idea so I don’t even know how to make that happen, but if you have any connections feel free to hook me up. You can email me at"

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