Stop Hatchery From Boiling Chicks Alive!

A recent investigation of Horizon Poultry in Hanover, Ontario revealed gross abuse of baby chicks that went against basic welfare benchmarks such as stunning before slaughter.

The video shows chicks coming out of a dishwasher after getting their feet caught and being boiled nearly to death, and an employee pushing chicks through a mechanical grinder with a squeegee. Footage also shows employees picking chickens up by their wings and tossing them.

All of these actions are obvious acts of callous and/or sadistic cruelty, not to mention against basic welfare standards for poultry slaughter.

Please sign the petition to urge the Ontario government to investigate the Horizon Poultry and discipline all employees responsible for these abuses.

Dear [official],

As you may know, a recent investigation of Horizon Poultry in Hanover, Ontario revealed gross abuse of baby chicks that went against basic welfare benchmarks such as stunning before slaughter.

The video shows chicks coming out of a dishwasher after getting their feet caught and being boiled nearly to death, and an employee pushing chicks through a mechanical grinder with a squeegee. Footage also shows employees picking chickens up by their wings and tossing them.

All of these actions are obvious acts of callous and/or sadistic cruelty, not to mention against basic welfare standards for poultry slaughter.

We respectfully urge you to investigate Horizon Poultry and discipline all employees responsible for these abuses. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.


[Your name here]

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