Help Elephants Orphaned by Poaching - Support Zambia Elephant Orphanage

  • al: Sue Lee
  • destinatario: President of Zambia, Edgar Lungu

It is absolutely heartbreaking to hear about so many cases of needless animal deaths and cruelty — especially when it comes to elephant deaths due to poaching.

Too often, the humans who can make a difference in the lives of those without a voice do too little. That is why it is so important that we support animal heroes like those working to protect orphaned elephants in places like Zambia.

Consider the story of Musolole and the human caretakers who are working to help him. Musolole lost his mom at an early age and wandered in despair for days. By the time authorities found this poor orphan, he was terribly dehydrated and extremely weak. He was in dire need of urgent care. His skin was so thin due to a lack of mom's milk that a simple scratch would cause excessive bleeding.

Fortunately, Musolole was taken in by the Zambia Elephant Orphanage. Without this facility's urgent care this poor baby would not have survived much longer.

But keeping a valuable facility like the Zambia Elephant Orphanage running is costly. There are many other elephants in this area who could benefit from such a caring facility — other orphans that lose their moms way too early due to poaching and other tragedies.

Help this facility save more orphaned elephants — please sign my petition urging Zambia's president to offer some financial support to this vital facility so it can keep helping the needy elephants in the area.

President Lungu,

I strongly urge you to provide crucial financial support for the Zambia Elephant Orphanage. Without this facility's great work, elephants orphaned by poachers would die just like their moms.

[Your comments here]

As you continue the difficult work of ending elephant poaching in Zambia, please also ensure that facilities like the Zambia Elephant Orphanage are fully supported with the financial assistance they need to keep helping these special animals.


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