After Years of Abuse, Demand Samsung Respect India Workers' New Union Rights

In a watershed moment for labor rights, the Samsung India Workers' Union (SIWU) has achieved historic union recognition after enduring a grueling 212-day legal struggle and a 38-day strike. This success comes amid reports of harsh working conditions, unpaid overtime, and abusive dehumanizing treatment. However, the fight is far from over. Recent reports indicate that Samsung may be planning retaliatory actions against union members, including threats of transfers. This is unacceptable and goes against the very essence of the hard-earned rights these workers now hold.

Sign the petition to demand Samsung publicly recognize and engage in fair negotiations with the Samsung India Workers' Union without delay!

Samsung has a dark history of union busting, and this fight was no different. Despite facing extreme resistance from Samsung and local government bodies aligned against them, 1,500 workers at Samsung's Chennai are now official union members.. 

The plight of these workers highlights a broader issue of corporate accountability and the urgent need for enforceable labor protections. Samsung must lead by example, adhering not only to legal requirements but also to moral imperatives that respect human and labor rights. The dignity of Samsung's workers must be upheld, and it starts with recognizing and respecting their union.

Sign the petition to pressure Samsung to honor its workforce by respecting their union, ensuring fair treatment, and safeguarding against retaliation.

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