£20 Note or Deforestation and extinction of the Orangutan

Oil companies have slashed and burned the forests of Indonesia and Borneo for many years and in so doing they have endangered the very existence of the Orangutan and the wildlife that rely on the Rainforests for their survival. They have used children to work for a pittance and treated the indigenous people of the forests unfairly. They have and are threatening our planet with every hectare they burn. They are destroying the very air we breathe.
RSPO (Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil) was set up to tackle these oil company giants and make them responsible for their actions. But sadly, although they are trying hard and turning some companies around to take responsibility for their actions, it is not enough right now. Companies continue to slash and burn and destroy the rainforest.

Although RSPO is putting up a good fight, it is not the greatest. It can not stand alone. It needs you to fight too. By purchasing products that do not contain Palm Oil, you give them a chance to filter out the bad companies, the greedy companies and bring in the good: those that genuinely care.

Therefore by condoning the decision by the Bank of England to use palm oil in the production of 20 pound notes is contributing to the destruction and demise of orangutans and the wildlife that depends on the Rainforest for their very existence.
By not using palm oil it gives the Rainforests a chance to recover from many years of abuse. As long as we continue to use palm oil, Indonesia will burn and the Orangutan and the wildlife within will die.

So what is it to be a 20 pound note or an Orangutan? I know what I would choose.

When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten and the last stream poisoned, you will realize that you cannot eat money. prophecy of the Cree Indians.

The bank of England chose to use Tallow, a by product of the slaughter industry for their five pound notes, now after a public outcry, mainly from the Vegan sector, you have switched to Palm oil for your 20 pound note, another contoversal product that has caused so much destruction, despair, displacement and death of the already endangered orangutan. 

We ask that you change this decision and use coconut oil. Coconut oil would be better than using money for destruction. After all when every animal has gone what do we have left? 

“When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten and the last stream poisoned, you will realize that you cannot eat money.” prophecy of the Cree Indians.

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