Prosecute Violators of U.S. Migratory Bird Treaty Act for Killing Baby Birds

  • al: Marlene Puaoi
  • destinatario: California Fish and Wildlife Department

Because postal workers couldn't contend with bird poop, nestling Black-Crowned Night Herons were torn from their nests, grievously wounded, and then fed into a wood-chipper along with tree branches.  Both the U.S. Postal Service and the contractor they hired, Campos Tree Service, disclaim responsibility.  Please let them know that they are responsible by encouraging the California Fish and Wildlife Department to hold them accountable under the U.S. Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

Actualizar #1hace 10 años
The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the U.S. Attorney's office has announced that misdemeanor charges will be filed against Ernesto Pulido, owner of Campos Tree Service. If convicted, he could face a fine of $15,000 and six months in jail; however, as he has expressed remorse and has volunteered to pay the rehabilitation costs of $3,000 for the five rescued baby birds, the penalties may be reduced.
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