Scotland - Stop the Sale of Rabbits in Pet Shops

  • al: Judith B.
  • destinatario: Alex Salmond, First Minister, The Scottish Parliament

Pet rabbits are often doomed to bleak, lonely lives in a small hutch and many are abandoned. Although more people now know that rabbits need as much care as a dog or cat, with their needs including space, companionship, litter training and vet trips, a lot of people don't.

Pet shops encourage the impulse buying and consequently neglect or abandonment of rabbits by offering them for sale. Bunnies look adorable, especially the babies sold in pet shops, but they are not particularly easy pets. Small children certainly shouldn’t have the sole responsibility.

As a result, Scotland's animal sanctuaries are full of rabbits, and those are the lucky ones. Abandoned pet rabbits are unlikely to escape foxes or cars for very long. Those kept in small hutches by themselves will be utterly miserable, and probably become ill.

Ask Scotland to ban the sale of rabbits in pet shops to reduce the suffering of these intelligent, social animals.

We the undersigned ask that you ban the sale of rabbits in pet shops. People often buy rabbits under the misapprehension that they are easy pets, little more demanding than a large hamster.

Unfortunately, rabbits are a commitment on a par with a dog. They need neutering, regular veterinary check-ups, training and companionship. People who acquire rabbits on impulse or without much thought may end up neglecting or abandoning their animals. Pet shops make impulse buys too easy, regardless of whether the staff can or cannot provide knowledgeable advice.

As with dogs and cats, rabbits should only be available from licensed breeders or animal sanctuaries, both of which are qualified to advise potential owners.

Of course this does not mean that pet shops cannot sell all the profitable, goods associated with keeping rabbits, including food, accommodation, litter trays, rabbit litter, food, chews and toys. However, it is irresponsible to allow pet shops to sell the rabbits themselves.

We ask that you take this step to reduce the suffering of one of Scotland's best-loved, yet not always best-treated, pets.

Thank you for your attention.

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