Say No to Council Bill 12-0101

Baltimore City and Maryland State residents are currently facing the repercusions of the MD Pit Bull ruling deeming pit bulls inherently dangerous. Dedicated volunteers and various animal groups are pleding to have this ruling overturned. Now City Council Woman Mary Pat Clarke and many other Baltimore City Council members are trying to reinstate the Animal Control and Protection – Licensing Private Kennels Ordance.

This ordance limits pet owners to no more than 3 animals of any breed at one time. Any one person with 3 or more will have to apply for a private kenneling license. Such a bill continues to punish and penalize responsible animal owners of Baltimore City. Yet there has been no movement to punish animal abusers as proven by past 2011-2012 rulings in many of the animal abuse cases.

Our animal shelters are filled and need responsible pet owners to continue to support them by foster animals and rescuing who they can when they can. So another animal pet ordance just won't do!

Responsible pet owners and supporters we need your help in fighting this bill. Please sign your name and share this petition as we want as many signatures as possible to take a stand and to prove to city hall, we believe and support of animal shelters, rescues and amazing volunteers , Say No to COUNCIL BILL 12-0101

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