Ban American Kennel Club Treats

American Kennel Club Treats-Please check them before you buy. Every treat I have read states they are made in China. That is an an outrage!  Where is the "American" in China made treats?  We have all heard of the recalls with China made ingredients and not just from the 2007 recalls but the more the recent recalls as well. If they respond to this and say that they oversee production and have high standards..then wh

Why not not make your treats in the USA and hold true to the "Amercan" name?

A request was sent in email with never a response.  I personally will not contribute to their organization as long as they make their treats in China.  Not only does it threaten the American economy, but our pets health as well.

It's an outrage that they call themselves American and choose to make their treats in China where regulations are very questionable and dogs are continually poisoned.

Please sign to let them know this is not okay.    

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