Voice Your Support for NEW SUMMERLIN CHARTER SCHOOL | Signature Preparatory

Dear Signature Prep Community,

As we head into the exciting holiday season, we're asking for a 2-minute favor from you. Signature Prep needs your help.

The School is working on adding another campus on the western side of the Valley. A state-of-the-art property is under contract, and we've spent a significant amount of time and money on this project. However, we're unsure as of now whether we'll obtain the approval of the State Public Charter School Authority (SPCSA).

If you're in favor of our expanding our extended family to serve another area of the Valley—and strengthening the Boulder Highway campus in the process—please show your support by e-signing this petition.

Please also share this with anyone and everyone. We'd welcome a signature from anyone who supports high-quality charter schools, even if they have no child at Signature Prep or other connection to the School.

PLEASE VOICE YOUR SUPPORT for this Signature Preparatory project by adding your name to this Petition!

Thank you

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