Please sign and share this petition on all media sites in an effort to urge the Hunt County, Texas Law Enforcement to complete a full investigation into the death of two dogs by a neighbor who was also a volunteer fireman. Supposedly, the fireman, Tim Conatser states that these two dogs were bothering and attacking his livestock; after warning his neighbor several times, he took matters into his own hands and killed the animals. The disturbing fact is that he left the bodies laying in the neighbor's yard, took photos and placed them on Facebook.
Tim Conatser, who is a volunteer firefighter in Royse City, Texas, killed his neighbor's two Labrador Retriever dogs after he claims that they would not stay on their own property; he claims they continually came to his property into his barn and was attacking his animals. No one knows for sure if they did indeed attack or just did not stay on their own property.
Mr. Conatser says that he continually warned his neighbor to keep his two dogs onto their property but got fed up with them "visiting" his animals, so he shot them dead, posting a photo of the incident on Facebook. Although there is no clear evidence whether the dogs attacked Conatser's livestock on the day the dogs were shot, there is an ordinance in Texas that gives owners of livestock permission to shoot any dog or coyote that may attack their livestock.
Anyone familiar with Labrador Retriever dogs knows that attacking other animals is not typical behavior and an investigation is still underway. However, this seems like a really harsh way to make a statement if the dogs were roaming. This ordinance in Texas gives residents a cruel way to keep pets way from their property rather than working with authorities and the animal owners. This was a very disturbing way for a heartless person to handle the situation; someone who is supposed to be a public servant can so callously kill two personal pets.
We are asking the Texas authorities to do a thorough investigation to see if the dogs were really causing harm to this man's livestock and if their actions really warranted him to shoot them dead, posting photos of them lying there in their own blood for the owner and the world to see. Please help us in this investigation and possible prosecution of this man, while gaining justice for the two animals who cruelly lost their lives as you sign and share this petition everywhere possible. These dogs did not need to be executed in the manner they did.
Hunt County & Royse City, Texas Law Enforcement - It is very disturbing that a public servant such as Mr. Tim Conatser may possibly get away with such a brutal attack on his neighbor's dogs. It is sad to think that people in Texas are given permission to shoot animals they "say" are harming their livestock rather than calling and relying on authorities to serve and protect. You need to do a thorough investigation to see if he even warranted in any way the deaths of these pets! He probably did not like the animals roaming around and took matters into his own hands. It is definitely true that the neighbor should have done more to keep his dogs confined, but they still did not deserve to die the way they did while posting their bloody bodies on Facebook. Ensure a full investigation to see if the animals actually did attack Mr. Conatser's livestock or just get the best of him by getting off of their own property. He needs to be severely punished for killing these animals execution style and posting photos of the deaths on social media - just to get to the heart of the owner. Although the neighbor was in violation of not confining his pets, they did not deserve to die in the manner they did!!
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