STOP New York City ACC's from Euthanizing Healthy, Adoptable Animals!

  • al: Sylvia S.
  • destinatario: Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York & Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York City & Risa Weinstock, New York City ACC

Healthy, adoptable animals are being euthanized at New York City's ACC's! A shelter is defined as "a place that provides food and protection for people or animals that need assistance" according to Merriam-Webster. It is NOT defined as "a place that euthanizes"!

Case in point: 8/22/16 NYCACC IN MANHATTAN, NY KILLED 12 MONTH OLD FOREST AFTER ONLY 18 HRS ON THE KILL LIST (Animal Rights, Petitions, & Adoptions! via Facebook). Forest was just a BABY! He rated all 1's and 2's on his assessment. He deserved a better chance than he was given! At a time when states like Washington and New Jersey are saving 95% and more of their shelter animals (, New York is not even represented on the list! A state as big and thriving as New York CAN and MUST do better by these innocent, sentient creatures! There ARE people willing to foster and adopt, even across state, but the ACC rules make it VERY difficult for them to do so. It is time for CHANGE!

Ghandi once said, "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated". The shelter animals of New York State are BEGGING to be released to loving, forever homes! Do the right thing NOW!!!

Actualizar #2hace 8 años
Update #2

Just a 103 more signatures to go! Come on, people... We CAN do it!!!
Actualizar #1hace 8 años
Rally for Major Reform at NYC ACC Animal Shelters - Saturday, October 8/16. Please follow link below and attend if you can!
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