Protect American Democracy from the Dangerous Rise of Oligarchs and Billionaire Tech Moguls

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ)
In a poignant and powerful farewell address, former President Joe Biden issued a grave warning to the American people: a dangerous concentration of power is taking root in the United States. He pointed to the tech moguls like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos, who have amassed unprecedented wealth and influence.

With this wealth, billionaires are gaining more control over industries, politics, and the flow of information. Their power reaches into every corner of our lives - from the information we consume on social media to the way businesses operate and, alarmingly, how political decisions are made.

We cannot let their wealth dictate the future of our nation, and we must ensure that no one is above the law or immune from accountability. Sign this petition to demand that government regulators hold powerful oligarchs accountable and protect the integrity of our democracy!

Biden is right to be concerned. He is correct in pointing out the threats these oligarchs pose to our democracy, to our rights, and to the very idea of a fair and just society where everyone has an equal shot at success.

Looking back to examples in U.S. history, he cautioned that this could lead to the emergence of a modern-day oligarchy, much like the "robber barons" of the 19th century. But these individuals are not just business leaders; they are shaping policy, undermining democracy, and ensuring their influence remains unchecked. When billionaires like Bezos and Zuckerberg hold so much sway, it threatens not only our economy, but also our freedoms.

The consequences of allowing this unchecked power to grow are dire. We've already witnessed the impact on traditional media sources, with a free press increasingly controlled by a small group of wealthy individuals. Social media platforms are platforms for misinformation, with little regard for the truth. These oligarchs have shown time and again that they prioritize their profits over the well-being of the people, and it's time to act.

We urge U.S. regulatory authorities, including the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ), to use every tool at their disposal to confront this crisis. Anti-trust laws exist to protect consumers, workers, and the economy from precisely this kind of exploitation. It's time to enforce them with boldness and resolve. That means blocking harmful mergers, breaking up monopolistic corporations, and holding executives accountable for predatory practices. It also means creating policies that empower small businesses and foster a competitive, dynamic marketplace where everyone has a fair shot.

History has shown us that strong anti-trust enforcement works. A century ago, Teddy Roosevelt took on the powerful trusts of his era, proving that no entity is above the law. Today, we face a similar challenge, and the stakes couldn't be higher. Will we allow a select few to dictate our future, or will we stand up for the millions of Americans who deserve a fair and just economy?

The time to act is now. Sign this petition to demand that our leaders prioritize the interests of the people over the profits of the few. Tell the FTC, DOJ, and Congress to defend our democracy by cracking down on corporate monopolies and restoring balance to our economy!
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