Investigate and bring criminal charges against Elon Musk for abusing canvassers

  • al: Left Action
  • destinatario: Federal and state authorities

Right-wing billionaire and Trump-fanatic Elon Musk reportedly scammed and threatened paid door knockers in Michigan, who didn't even know they signed up to canvas for Trump until they were on the job. Canvassers were transported in a U-haul van without seats or seat belts, and told they'd have to cover their lodging costs if they didn't meet absurdly high target numbers of doors knocked. 

Between this nightmare and his (probably illegal) stunt involving paying for petition signatures, Elon Musk needs to be investigated for his shady behavior and trying to buy this election for Trump – and, if found guilty, criminally charged. 

Add your name to demand Elon Musk be investigated and charged for abusing canvassers >> 

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