Please Sign: My Service Dog, Ginger, Was Taken Away from Me At School

  • al: Sarah
  • destinatario: Heidelberg University

Ginger was my Service Dog in Training at Heidelberg University. She was in training to help with my PTSD, helping me to calm down from panic attacks - no easy feat. Ginger was taken away from me because there was word of her not fitting policy guidelines -- school officials stated that since she is in training and not a fully trained service dog, she can't stay with me. 

Ginger was forced to leave me and she was sent home on Friday, October 20th. Ever since then, I have been struggling with school, and my disability as a whole.

Please sign this petition to bring Ginger back to Heidelberg so she can continue her training and help me as much as possible.

If you are able please donate to help Ginger through service dog training while she is away from me❤️ 

Actualizar #2hace 7 años
Hi Everyone! Thank you for all the support I have received. There is a GoFundMe that has been started to support Ginger. The proceeds will be towards her training while she is no longer at school with me. I know it is the holiday season and money can be tight, so even if there isn’t a possibility for donations, sharing to friends or family or Facebook would be greatly appreciated! Thank you to everyone once again, Happy Holidays!
Actualizar #1hace 7 años
Thank you so much for signing! Ginger is still not able to come to school & is not getting the training she needs as I’m not with her. I started a fundraiser so Ginger can go to a training facility and get the training she needs while away from me. Then she can be ready to come back to school even quicker than I hope! Thank you! Please also share on Facebook if you haven't!
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