Charge and extradite American wildlife poacher Walter J. Palmer to Zimbabwe

  • al: Amanda Whelan
  • destinatario: President Barack Obama, President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, The Federal Department of Fish and Game, USDA

In July 2015, Cecil the iconic and protected male lion of Zimbabwe was purposefully lured out of Hwange National park, horrifically wounded with a bow and arrow and then after two days of immense suffering, shot dead with a high powered rifle.

Following the deliberate and attempted destruction of his GPS collar, Cecil  was skinned and beheaded by American dentist and previously convicted wildlife poacher Walter J. Palmer of Bloomington, Minnesota.

Please use your voice so that Walter J. Palmer faces justice- both in the United States and in Zimbabwe. Justice will be at least partially served when Walter Palmer hopefully serves a sentence in a Zimbabwean prison. It will send a clear message to trophy hunters who are driving our world heritage animals to extinction that their bribes, lies about "conservation" and actions are not above the laws they've flouted for decades.

Please sign and share. Do not let friends buy into Walter Palmer's excuse that he had "no idea" that Cecil was protected. Cecil not only had a unique black mane but Walter Palmer attempted unsuccessfully to destroy his GPS collar. Do not let him get away with this tragic and premeditated act of barbarism and cruelty.

We are all very upset over the barbaric and brutal destruction of a yet another endangered world heritage animal. Let Cecil's death not be in vain and help us reach one million signatures. Let's make sure through our justifiable condemnation of Walter J. Palmer that wildlife poachers and thrill killers of near extinct animals are not above international law.

Actualizar #2hace 9 años
Despite no charges being brought for this sick act we are millions strong. We are making our voices heard to both Zimbabwean and U.S. authorities that WE WANT EXTRADITION. Tomorrow Palmer claims he will return to public life with no amends and no apologies. Without threats please continue to make your voice resonate towards Palmer stating that trophy aka canned hunting the rarest animals in the world is not acceptable in a moral society. Thank you!
Actualizar #1hace 9 años
Thank you for not allowing the barbaric killing of Cecil that Walter Palmer committed to fade from public memory. This petition was featured in In Touch magazine and outrage is only growing stronger as we learn more about his history of wildlife poaching. Let's let President Obama and the government of Zimbabwe know we want mandatory extradition. Thank you!
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