Protect Elephants--Ban Bullhooks in Ontario

  • al: PETA
  • destinatario: Ontario legislators
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Ontario legislators are considering Bill 69—the Elephant Protection Act—which would spare elephants living in or traveling through Ontario from being beaten with bullhooks and spending hours on end in chains.

This important bill, which passed a second reading, would prohibit the use of bullhooks, electric prods, and other devices specifically designed to cause elephants pain as well as the use of chains or ropes to keep elephants restrained.

Bill 69 would also improve public safety. Captive elephants who are managed with chains and bullhooks often become stressed and unpredictable. Frustrated by years of beatings, bullhooks, and shackles, and denied everything that is natural and important to them, some elephants snap and cause human injuries and deaths as well as property damage.
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