In Support of the Trolley Trail Revitalization Plan

We, the undersigned members support the revitalization of the Palisades Trolley Trail (PTT). We support the DDOT vision for an ADA compliant trail that retains its natural characteristics while promoting greater access, usability, connectivity and sustainability. We also support the modernization of the Arizona bridge, and connecting ramps to improve access and safety for the community. We consider the revitalization of this neglected and/or underutilized public property to be of great benefit to Palisades and the neighboring DC communities.

See for more information.

Actualizar #1hace 5 años
Thank you for signing the petition in support of the revitalization of the Palisades Trolley Trail.
Getting the word out matters, so if you would like a yard sign, or informational fliers to share with neighbors, please do email us on
Thanks again for your support!
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