Urge Stricter Regulations Against Puppy Mill Operations & Regulations

  • al: Sue Lee
  • destinatario: U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Vilsack

Puppy mills is a huge issue nationwide and we need to take some more stringent steps on a national level to put an end to this major problem.  Jointly, the ASPCA, Humane Society of the USA and the Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association filed a petition with the USDA in an effort to improve the care standards of dogs in commercial breeding and federally licensed facilities.  Many of these facilities are known as puppy mills but with extreme inadequate standards, treating the animals abusively and inhumanely. 

Since the rules enforced by the USDA are lax, the mistreatment of animals continues.  The poor babies are often kept in tiny cages, stacked on top of one another, the dogs standing on wire floors, with animals in lower levels drenched in urine and feces.  Many of the female animals are used for litter, after litter, without allowing their little bodies to rest and recover.  On top of that, dogs are allowed to breed without doing health checks that often passes on such things as hip dysplasia and luxating patellas.  Breeders are supposed to be “USDA-licensed” but what does it really mean and do all breeders abide by strict laws and regulations?  If they did, there would not be so much abuse in these facilities.

The ASPCA is urging us to all help and put an end to these puppy mills by contacting the USDA and demand they step up to protect animals from abuse on a more national level.  This petition was created to do just that; ask the USDA to ensure that all dogs have proper care and not be the product of these awful puppy mills.  You can help us by sign and sharing this petition. 

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Vilsack – We strongly urge you to improve care stands for dogs in any and all commercial breeding facilities nationwide.  We ask you to strengthen protective measures for dogs in puppy mills.  The current USDA standards are quite lax and need extreme improvement.  You need to strengthen regulations that includes stringent hands-on veterinary exams, proper socialization, humane housing of all dogs and proven responsible breeding practices for animals in all facilities.  With more stringent laws and regulations, you can take a stern stand in putting an end to puppy mills throughout the nation.

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