Abolish hunting in Italy !

  • al: Gianni Gradi
  • destinatario: matteo@governo.it; URP@minambiente.it

In Italy most of people is against hunting that cause damages and the dead of a lot of people every year. Hunters can go into private land and shoot at a close distance from the houses. The lobby of the hunters with the support of various low level of political culture has always managed to make unnecessary the collection of signatures of the various associations. Please help us put pressure on the Italian government to abolish hunting.

Actualizar #2hace 10 años
Vi chiedo ancora uno sforzo condividete con I vostri amici !!

C'mon guys help me to send a strong message to politics !!
Actualizar #1hace 10 años
Many people worldwide signed this petition but we need a further effort from your side to achieve our goal. In just a few seconds of your time you can help us save the lives of many animals. Please sign too !
Amici italiani diamo un segnale ! La maggior parte di noi è contraria alla caccia. Un referendum è stato ignorato. Pochi secondi del vostro tempo possono contribuire a stimolare I politici. Siamo tanti siamo molti di più dei cacciatori e siamo potenziali elettori !
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