Stop The Morgan Foundation Killing Our Cats Now!

  • al: martin b
  • destinatario: New Zealand Government
By signing this petition you will be adding your voice to the outrage that we are all feeling towards the proposals and the demonising of cats by the Morgan Foundation to the New Zealand Government. The data and statistics are purely misleading and prejudiced to create hatred for cats. People in your own community will kill innocent cats believing they are justified by the decline in native bird numbers. Let the New Zealand government know that you want cats to be taken off the Predator Free 2050 list to keep them safe from vigilantes. Do not let the government cave in to sadistic cat haters and sign now. Comments from the good people who have signed this petition. "Cats need to be taken off the New Zealand "Predator Free 2050" list to keep them safe from 'vigilantes'. Do not cave in to sadistic cat haters so they can be killed to save birds ! New zealand governement - you would not only be legally allowing cats to be murdered by those who are looking to torture and kill them, but the 'Predator Free 2050 list' would ALSO encourage this unspeakable act to occur ! This is NOT acceptable !"
Actualizar #3hace 7 años
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Actualizar #2hace 7 años
Please share this petition, we have to get to 20,000 signatures to have a positive impact on the New Zealand government.
Actualizar #1hace 7 años
Thank you for all signing so far. Please could you share the petition as it has stalled.
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