Stand up for the Bears: End Bear Bile Trade in South Korea

Bear bile trade is an unethical, outdated idea that should end.

The popularity of bear bile trade roots back to Asian superstition and tradition that bear bile relieves a number of health problems. To meet demands, secret transaction of gallbladders and unprotected breeding in internet malls have been taking place.

Conditions moon bears live under are appalling: Considering the squalid cages that are 1-meter by 2-meter wide, it is not surprising that bears suffer stunted growth, erratic behavior, diarrhea, breathing problems, and swollen limbs.

This is not to say that Koreans are negligent of the bear bile trade. 87% of Koreans believe that bear bile trade should be addressed promptly; however, the government is not reflecting upon the opinions of the majority. Recently, the government has lowered the threshold of maximum age for wild bear slaughter from 24 years old to 10 years old.

Bear bile laws are easy to bypass; there aren't mechanisms to properly enforce or monitor the laws. In 1993, the Korean government joined CITES (Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora), which stipulates nations protect endangered animals and plants, and yet Korea has violated CITES outright.

Please sign this petition, and put an end to bear bile trade in Korea. In the name of justice, say "no" to the Korean government trying to turn a blind eye to the pain of the bears and demand a change.

With confidence and pride, stand up for the voiceless bears!

Actualizar #1hace 8 años
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