Free Russian Activist Evgenia Chirikova!

Evgenia Chirikova, the leader of the movement to save the Khimki Forest and the Zhukovsky Forest -- both of which are in danger of being destroyed to build motorways despite alternatives -- was detained and beaten after trying to talk about environmental issues in Barrikadnaya Square in Moscow. 

The activists were abiding by all of the rules for these kinds of meetings. During their brief discussion they talked about Russia's assault on natural resources and about rebuilding an environmental camp near Zhukovsky Forest. That's when the police attacked -- resulting in Evgenia being taken from the scene in an ambulance. She was later arrested. 

Standing up for the environment shouldn't put anyone in danger of arrest. Please tell the Russian government to free environmental activist Evgenia Chirikova and to stop the detainment of protestors! 

Please free the environmental activist Evgenia Chirikova -- she was detained and beaten after having a meeting in the Barrikadnaya Square in Moscow. She was following all requirements for those kinds of meetings and does not deserve to be treated like a criminal when she did nothing wrong. 

Protesting is a right -- no longer detain protestors! 

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