Don't let Trump's lawyers hide the truth. Tell Trump judge you support public release of new brief in Trump’s election interference case

Special Counsel Jack Smith just submitted a new 180-page brief making the government case re: Trump's election interference, and Judge Tanya Chutkan has given Trump's lawyers until October 2nd to argue why it should not be unsealed so the public can see it.

Please add your name, and urge Judge Chutkan to make the brief public.

The new brief was made necessary because of the Supreme Court's recent (absurd) ruling granting presidents immunity for "official" acts. Accordingly, the new brief focuses on acts that are clearly not covered by the ruling.

The public has the right to see the case and the evidence against Trump (properly redacted where necessary), and this may be the last chance, since Trump will dismiss the case altogether if he wins.

Judge Chutkan has been a fair and reasonable judge throughout the case, but if she makes the brief public, Trump's cultish followers will go ballistic. Let her know she has strong support, and that we will back her if takes this step.

Please add your name, and urge Judge Chutkan to make the brief public.

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