Denounce speaker’s disgusting insults about Puerto Rico at Trump’s rally

Trump's hand-picked speaker, "Comedian" Tony Hinchcliffe lobbed racist insults at Puerto Rico during Trump's MAGA-fest in New York. He called Puerto Rico an "island of garbage." And just to make it even more disgusting, he talked about African-Americans "carving watermelons."

The Trump campaign has tried to distance themselves from this vile comment, but we're not buying it — This was Trump's rally, and his hand-picked speaker, and insulting entire communities is Trump's m.o. And we're supposed to believe that Trump "did Nazi that coming"?

The entire rally was filled with racist remarks in all directions from a whole slate of Trump's friends. Trump is telling us exactly who he is – a racist. The media is finally reporting it. And it's time for everyone across our nation to believe it.

Join us to send a message to Trump and everyone involved in his campaign: We denounce your disgusting insults about Puerto Rico, and condemn your racist messages.

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