Say “NO!” to the Proposed Shopping Mall at the Rosewood/Miramar Hotel!

The proposed expansion of the Miramar Hotel poses serious health and safety risk and violates the County Zoning ordinances. The Miramar is exploiting SB330's loopholes, intended to promote affordable housing, to financially benefit the developer to push through a retail mall and luxury apartments he could never get approved otherwise. We oppose the Miramar project for the following reasons:

  • Parking: The hotel already lacks adequate parking, forcing overflow into our neighborhoods and blocking public access to the beach for the public.
  • Traffic Congestion: Increased traffic at the valet entrance will delay access to the southbound 101 freeway on-ramp.  
  • Emergency Access: Traffic congestion and limited parking will impede emergency vehicle access to the beach, neighborhoods, and the hotel.
  • Neighborhood Impact: A 30-foot high building at Eucalyptus Lane and South Jameson Lane will dominate the neighborhood's skyline.
  • Environmental Damage: Construction will cause significant pollution and harm to our environment.
  • Shopping Mall:  Allowing 17,500 SF of retail space, in addition to the  8,350 SF already at the Miramar (25,840 SF in total) changes the resort's character and negatively impacts the neighborhood.

Caruso's plan, disguised as affordable housing, is workforce housing to house his hotel's low-wage workers. It includes 34,000 square feet of high-end retail space, 8 luxury apartments, and an underground garage. This expansion would add 12 new shops to the existing 10, making a total of 22 shops. The underground garage would require approximately 2,500 dump truck loads of dirt and concrete, leading to significant damage to Montecito's surface streets and neighborhoods.

We support affordable housing.  What we don't support is using affordable housing to bring in other uses (retail shopping), which would not otherwise be permitted, changing the neighborhood, clogging traffic, and appropriating public parking used for beach access for Miramar's use. This threatens the health, safety, and tranquility of our community. We urge the Montecito Planning Commission to reject this expansion. Let's work together to ensure a safer, healthier, and more sustainable future.

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